The Minerals

The predominant experience that most people have in their relationship with the kingdom of minerals is a sense of preciousness, sometimes verging on possessiveness. There are many mysterious and magical stories in literature where a person becomes possessed by the very thing they wish to possess. The force of mineral is integral to the material world on which our society is based. It is a force that can create a deep rift in our human relationships, creating feelings of superiority and deep unhappiness. Awareness and understanding of our relationship with the material world can lead to co-operation without the need to renounce or discard. I often think that what balances all that power and strength of the material force is tenderness.

Lasavia Box Sets are kitsets for Health and Wellbeing.  Having a set allows you to enter into a dynamic process or attuning to your needs on a daily weekly, monthly or occasional basis.  The benefit is that they are there to assist you with the distinct gifts that each essence brings.

  • Chambered Nautilus – Builds back self love and respect after experiences that have lead to shame and desolation.
  • Diamond – Cleansing. Understanding there is no permanence in life.  Celebrating natural beauty. Healing the imprint and damage that greed does to land.
  • Pearl – Assists in peeling away the dross and allow the truth to be seen. Makes sacred what has been desecrated.
  • Pounamu – To be able to step into a peace within the heart. Ability to share your own gift with others.
  • Pyramid Rock – Opens your vision,  prepares the way to breakthrough outmoded structures.
  • Rose Quartz – It softens the edges which then enables movement between two opposing points of view.

The Insects

The insects help to remind us of the nature of the ecosystem that we live in, and that we’re essentially part of this ecosystem, not separate from it.

All these remedies are created energetically through the conduit of water and are then preserved in brandy. They have been made with the physical insect nearby rather than use a dead insect in the medicine. Each remedy has the energetic vibration of the insect and has its own unique story. In writing about these remedies, I have chosen poems that convey a gesture of the insect that is relevant and beautiful.

Lasavia Box Sets are kitsets for Health and Wellbeing.  Having a set allows you to enter into a dynamic process or attuning to your needs on a daily weekly, monthly or occasional basis.  The benefit is that they are there to assist you with the distinct gifts that each essence brings.

  • Bee – That balances individuality and self determination with working towards the common good of a community or enterprise
  •  Cicada – The gift to surrender to your limitations. To be able to surrender to the fact.
  •  Cricket – Releasing self restriction.
  •  Paper Wasp – Assists in maintaining personal boundaries.
  •  Praying Mantis – To sever persistent thought processes that take you back to pain.
  •  Tree Weta – Warming and moving what has been frozen through trauma.

The Native Plants

The plants chosen in this collection grow around me on Waiheke Island. The island would have been mostly broad-leaved coastal forest. Although it was burnt for pasture during the 1920s, it has significantly reforested in the last thirty years. Ponga and Kanuka formed the first wave of this reafforestation. I have an intimate relationship with all the plants in this first collection, and I have known some of them for a very long time. Particularly Pohuehue which was the predominate plant in the sand dunes where I grew up. It was beautiful to find it growing here, wild and tangled amongst the honeysuckle.

Lasavia Box Sets are kitsets for Health and Wellbeing.  Having a set allows you to enter into a dynamic process or attuning to your needs on a daily weekly, monthly or occasional basis.  The benefit is that they are there to assist you with the distinct gifts that each essence brings.
  • Nikau – Embodies the earth element, Saturn and the stomach. The ability to absorb and utilise nourishment, well balanced, safe.
  • Pohuehue – Embodies water, mercury, and the mind. An exuberant response to life, intensifies perception, helps links pathways.
  • Hangehange – Embodies water and the moon. Acceptance and protection. Creating space in your life to slow down and connect to a different pace.
  • Ponga – A strong mind integrated with the heart. Embodies the ancient elemental energy of the Moon and Pan. A deep connection to nature, grounded.
  • Kotukutuku – Puts you in touch with the childlike freedom of having nothing to gain but the present moment. To express yourself and search for nothing.
  • Karamu – Expands your horizons and gives you space to be in the world again.

The Wild Weeds

Developing a more intimate relationship with the wild weeds in our own back gardens is to discover rich, forgiving and abundant friends. It is with the greatest pleasure that I made these particular remedies, I was surprised by their potency and their service to humankind. Some of these essences felt like a joyful shouting in my ear. It was hard for me to weed the vegetable gardens without some kind of general explanation to them about giving space to broccoli, or rows of carrots. I feel enriched by my relationship with these plants and in many ways feel their essence bringing me into life.

I encourage you to get to know them for yourself, to take a moment to taste the dandelion leaf or place the flower in water to drink or gather the chickweed and the cress for your salads. I give immense thanks for all those before me who have brought attention to these great little healers.

Lasavia Box Sets are kitsets for Health and Wellbeing.  Having a set allows you to enter into a dynamic process or attuning to your needs on a daily weekly, monthly or occasional basis.  The benefit is that they are there to assist you with the distinct gifts that each essence brings.
  • Cleavers – This remedy clears the auric field and cleanses. It is a reminder that we don’t have to be self reliant in everything, creating interdependent partnerships.
  • Chickweed – For times of transition and first stages of grief, able to assimilate and receive nourishment.
  • Comfrey – Accessing ancient memory and bring this wisdom into contemporary times. Brings flexibility to the mind, helping us to shift to a new consciousness.
  • Cress (Bitter Cress) Bright, sharp, awakens the mind, seeing a way through to right action.
  • Dandelion – To stay fully connected and relaxed. Able to respond appropriately to your surroundings.
  • Scotch Thistle – Joyousness and invincibility. A powerful protector with nature of the spiritual warrior. Let go all the non–essentials and just step forward.