Lasavia Healing Essences are the gift of vitality of plants, minerals and insects delivered to you with the utmost care. Our resolve is to deliver to you Elemental Healing through the introduction of an essence into your being. Put a few drops in water, drink and take a moment to be inspired by the qualities of the essence that you have chosen.
Scotch thistle
Cirsium vulgare
Essence: This is a remedy for relationship. It evokes actions aligned to the heart. There is a clarity in when to protect, and an experience of joyousness.
Use: Scotch thistle can be used in handling difficult work relationships. It helps with being able to communicate and hold your own with bullies, over-bearing bosses, people who impinge on personal space. Gives insight and clarity when faced with confusion and obfuscation. Use for children when they are dealing with bullies and where they are needing to find their own individual sense of self. Aids recovery from depression.
Description: In New Zealand, this is one of our most abundant thistles. It is a biennial, germinating in early spring. In its first summer it forms a rosette. In its second summer, between November and March, it flowers. The composite flower heads are purple and the seeds are attached to feathery down that is carried by the wind. The leaves of the scotch thistle are spiny on the upper surface. It has deep lobes, tipped with strong spines. It has a strong central taproot. Scotch thistle can grow quite large, forming well-branched shrubs up to a metre and a half high.
Meaning: The essence of scotch thistle contains feelings of joyousness and invincibility. When I observe the whole plant, there is an uprightness and aliveness that makes you want to celebrate, even if life is full of challenges. It seems to say, ‘yes I am alive and I have cause to celebrate’. It helps raise your energy – particularly when you have that feeling of being sunk down to the pit of your stomach. The scotch thistle remedy offers courage for those who have suffered and survived hardship, bringing feelings of hope and life force. It contains a quality of elation yet has a feisty edge. It aids us to let go of all the non-essentials and just step forward.