Lasavia Essences are the gift of vitality of plants, minerals and insects delivered to you with the utmost care. The resolve of Lasavia is to deliver to you Elemental Healing through the introduction of an Essence into your being. We suggest you put a few drops in water and take a moment to be inspired by the qualities of the Essence that you have chosen.

Essence: Pearl affects who we are through understanding that we are a relationship between events and things. The way we perceive is through a rich spectrum of our interactions with others, memory and ancestral memory. Pearl gifts us a fluid consciousness.
Use: Pearl helps us see our mistakes and supports reflection and integration around them. The mistake, therefore, becomes revelatory and enables change to happen. It helps us to stand true to ourselves in the face of deception or obfuscation. Use pearl to create a sacred space for personal rituals and spiritual practice. It may be used to help clear, energetically, places that have been desecrated.
Description: This remedy was made above Mawhitipana Bay on Waiheke Island. Using saltwater I placed it on the headland between the two beaches facing north. It was an evening of the full moon and was made as the sun was setting and the moon was rising so that at one point both were there at the edge of the horizon. I used three pearls.
A pearl is made up of calcium carbonate and is deposited within soft tissue in concentric circles – the pearl forms as a defence mechanism against an irritant like a parasite inside its shell. The mollusc creates the pearl to seal off the irritant.
Meaning: The shadow of this remedy is deception, and in taking this remedy we may begin to peel away the dross, perceiving what is underneath and the intention behind actions. Pearl opens pathways of memory and ancestral knowledge within ourselves. It enables us to uphold our intuitive capability and listen to inner promptings. It helps us to protect creative processes, trusting the right timing to emerge. It opens up our perception of time to an eternal experience of time. This allows space to communicate and also connect with our essential nature.
About Pearl
A pearl is distinctly female, my mother had a string of pearls and when we became young women we were each given a single pearl on a silver chain. There is something soft and moon like about the pearl, it represents the power of the moon, the intuitive and the depth of ocean.
This remedy was made above Matapana bay on Waiheke Island. I made it using salt water and placed it on the headland between the two beaches facing north. It was a full moon evening and it was made as the sun was setting and the moon was rising so that at one point both energies were there at the edge of the horizon.
I used three pearls. At the time it didn’t occur to me that the three could represent the maiden the mother and the crone, I was shown the three pearls clearly in my minds eye and followed this.
The history of the pearl begins in Persia, where breath hold divers went to unchartered depths in the Persian gulf in their quest for natural pearls. Many of the divers perished young through lung and joint disease. It was perilous as the reefs were jagged, some drowned or were victim to sharks and venomous jelly fish. The pearl fisheries in the Persian Gulf halted in the 1930s, the pearl beds of the Persian gulf are now depleted due to oil spills and overfishing.
A pearl is made up of calcium carbonate and is deposited within soft tissue in concentric circles. The pearl forms as a defense mechanism against an irritant like a parasite inside its shell. The mollusk creates the pearl to seal off the irritant.
In Persian myth there is a relationship between the heavens, the moon and the ocean. Stories tell that the heavens impregnated the shell and thus created the pearl.
The Essence
Assists in peeling away the dross and allows the truth to be seen. Makes sacred what has been desecrated
This remedy can be used on land, particularly where there is a place of beauty that has been disrespected, where rubbish has been strewn, where springs have been covered over to make roads. Pearl is also used to create a sacred space for personal rituals and spiritual practice.
In working with the pearl remedy I saw it energetically act to stabilize the integrative functions of the brain stem. The brain stems integrative functions include the cardiovascular system control, respiratory control, pain sensitivity control, alertness, awareness and consciousness. (Wikipedia)
The Pearl also allows us to access ancestral knowledge within ourselves.
It enables us to find expression of our sacred gift. Through this expression of our inner nature we symbolically release the pearl that is created in darkness. There is a deep honouring of timing and the remedy puts us at our ease in timing when we need to express and bring into the world our essential ability.
So please bring us your wisdom
Your guidance
Bring us your ways
The ancient ways that are sometimes forgotten
Bring it back into our consciousness
Into our mind,
our spirit and into our soul
Come and shake those bones in us
So we can remember
Come and allow us to dine and commune with you
Once again, as we use to do with you
Come and make the old ways
As natural to us as possible
May all the wild women
From all the traditions come and hold this place sacred
And open the gateways of wisdom,
of knowledge
So we may enter and drink from the well
Of the long wisdom that women hold.’
From Sobonfu Some Prayer
There is some kiss we want
with our whole lives,
the touch of spirit on the body.
Seawater begs the pearl
to break its shell.
And the lily, how passionately
it needs some wild darling.
At night, I open the window
and ask the moon to come
and press its face against mine.
Breathe into me.
Close the language-door
and open the love-window.
The moon won’t use the door,
only the window.
Rumi, translation by Coleman Barks