Cress, Bitter – awakens the mind


essence in 50% brandy and water

Bright, sharp, awakens the mind, seeing a way through to right action.


Lasavia Healing Essences are the gift of vitality of plants, minerals and insects delivered to you with the utmost care. Our resolve is to deliver to you Elemental Healing through the introduction of an essence into your being.  Put a few drops in water, drink and take a moment to be inspired by the qualities of the essence that you have chosen.



Cardamine hirsuta

Essence: Bright, sharp, awakens the mind, seeing a way through to right action. Enables the ability to be disciplined without being overbearing or harsh on yourself or others.

Use: Helps to clear the mind after long hours on the computer or being in business meetings. Use when the mind is sluggish or when you feel tired and are having trouble resting. It helps you to rest and to transition from one activity to another. Helpful for over-tired children and good for recovering from jet lag.

Description: Bitter cress is a great little salad weed, its botanical name, cardamine, is from the Greek words for heart and subdue, the plant having once been used as a heart sedative. It is a small rosette-based annual, up to twenty-five centimetres tall, and a member of the mustard family. When in the early spring it flowers, the stems grow upright with few leaves and put forth small white flowers that quickly turn to seed.

Meaning: Bitter cress has an alert, fluid quality. It is responsive and connects us to our hearts. It reminds us that our actions are best when we are aligned with our hearts. The nature of bitter cress is bright, sharp, of the trickster, and playful.
Bitter cress helps us to take action at the right time while also allowing space to be restful. The remedy helps us to examine how we act and what we are acting from. It gives us clarity and perception, shows up rigidity and holds us to account. Bitter cress creates a pathway towards the notion of embodiment. It has the ability to go through immense change and yet stays true to the essence. This remedy helps with processes that require patience. Patience with our inner world and patience with our outer world. It supports love for the process rather than fixating on the outcome.