Remedy for Anxiety


.Use: This is a good children’s remedy. It supports the nervous system when there has been prolonged nervous tension. Use for under-lying anxiety and tension. Use for those who are hyper-sensitive and susceptible to the influence of other’s thoughts and feelings.

A remedy blend with the following remedies: Nikau for consolidation, cricket for fear and courage, flax for stabilization, angelica for harmony and hangehange for emotions and overwhelm.

Essence: This remedy gives the ability to step back and find new perspective, observing over-riding patterns of thought without being absorbed by them. Allows one to see the trigger points and the relationship between anxiety and personality.

Use: This is a good children’s remedy. It supports the nervous system when there has been prolonged nervous tension. Use for under-lying anxiety and tension. Use for those who are hyper-sensitive and susceptible to the influence of other’s thoughts and feelings.

Notes on Anxiety

Anxiety makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds you – Anais Nin in her diary.

Anxious: stem of angere choke, oppress. Troubled in mind about an uncertain event, being in disturbing suspense

Anxiety: The quality or state of being anxious, strained or solicitous desire, a condition of agitation and depression with a sensation of tightness and distress in the præcordial region.

– from the Shorter Oxford Dictionary

Anxiety is a sense of uneasiness. It can be something undefined and yet often consistently present in the background. A child may be anxious for its mother. Often thoughts and feelings of anxiety are focused internally and once we can turn towards a more outward perspective, we can sometimes shift our ground a little. There are times I have a sense of anxiety at the beginning of a day, a premonition of something about to happen and only when the event has occurred, do I then comprehend that sense of inner tension. We can be anxious about time, things we should have done, things lost, change -the fear that we and our environment will never be the same. In the past anxiety was described as a sense of dread, now anxiety has become overt and ever present in our society. As a consequence, to quote the title of a brilliant manifesto-style essay by the Institute for Precarious Consciousness, We Are All Very Anxious. ‘Anxiety is now the dominant emotional experience of our time, precisely for this reason: anything and everything is on show, for sale and attainable, but (for too many people) perpetually withheld, out of reach. Whereas historically people were condemned to misery or boredom, anxiety becomes pervasive in conditions where free choice is unfettered, and yet at some level illusory.’

Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), Danish philosopher defined the concept of anxiety as the dizziness of freedom – a deep rooted sense of uneasiness in the myriad possibilities available to a person in the modern world. In The Concept of Anxiety, Kierkegaard wrote, “Learning to know anxiety is an adventure which every man has to affront…He therefore who has learned rightly to be in anxiety has learned the most important thing.” Anxiety may be debilitating, hindering our ease in life, it may in a manageable level compel us towards change and initiate action. In my creative endeavours, particularly at the difficult phases where I feel at the edge of my capability I see anxiety as a vital part of the artistic process. It is how I am with it and how I work with it that is valuable.

The Remedy: This remedy may bring a consciousness to our anxiety enabling us to see the fear that the anxiety stems from. Anxiety can arise from something external or our sensitivity and susceptibility to the influence of other people’s thoughts and emotions. Hyper- awareness, patterns linked to our personality, brewing tensions may all trigger anxiety. It can arise from an incident from the past and something similar happens in the present that triggers the memory and this in turn triggers our personality to respond. It is a remarkable thing to step back a little, not be so invested and see in a slightly different view. I think whatever our default to fear, taking space to be present is really helpful.

This remedy helps make adjustments in life that are needed to align to what is. It supports those who don’t do so well with change. It re-enacts the conditions, thoughts and processes without the anxiety, so the body and mind can be in the memory or circumstances differently. This remedy awakens the spirit to confuse or interrupt the thought processes, to be able to look at what you are afraid of without the associated tension. A discovery that our inner is never anxious. This remedy connects us to our higher consciousness/selves to access a different state and therefore a different experience.


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