Crafting a Shamanic Drum


5th – 7th April 2024

Crafting a Shamanic Drum with Leila Lees and Danny Pieren

at the Friends House, Waiheke Island.

Workshop limited to 12 people.

$580 including materials and accommodation.




The drum activates a journey into non-ordinary reality and brings the journeyer back home. In shamanic journeying there is often an intention that by entering the unseen realms we receive help from spirit companions and return home with wisdom and knowledge to heal.

Crafting is often about our trust and connection to the materials and tools we work with. The way we hold space for this is to give time to allow for our arrival, our connection to place and environment and to each other; from here we can be present to the crafting and creation of our drums. This is the wisdom of sacred space, the connection to each part of the drum making and how we are in that relationship.



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