
excerpt from Into the World by Leila Lees

Journaling can help integrate an experience while helping you explore your practice through reflective practise.
Journaling may combine nature observation, personal insight, as well as dreams and visions. This kaleidoscope reflection of life may show up our patterns and aid us in becoming open to new opportunities.
Inner exploration is an adventure and how we perceive this is worthy of being recorded.

Essence of Landscape

Excerpt from Into the World, by Leila Lees

Each landscape has its own gesture and essence. The heart relates to earth, to land, and to landscape.
The heart is the organ with which we connect to the Essence of Landscape and it is through our emotions and our sensory body that we perceive that essence.

I learnt the language of Piripai. The language was in the way the wind cultured the dunes and the power of the river and the plants that grew there. The language was also found in the past, the burial grounds, the farming and the introduction of boxthorn and macrocarpa trees. To discover the language of landscape we must first observe it. Start by looking, then soften your gaze. Allow yourself to let your body sense. From physical observation move to sensing the energy of the place. Your body can act as a divining rod.

images by Meggan Young

Nature Connection

Excerpt from Into the World by Leila Lees

Nature connection refers to an active participation with nature and a conscious connection through sensory awareness.
It is profound and exciting yet also playful, inspiring and may help to integrate things we are experiencing but struggle to understand.
Plants, animals and minerals held in a dynamic interconnection contain extraordinary intelligence.
Nature connection resides in the act of doing, of being outside whatever the weather.