Leila Lees
Waiheke Island
Founder, Lasavia Healing
New Zealand, Aotearoa artist, writer and teacher
Teaching – Leila Lees
I remember when I first engaged in teaching shamanic practice, I felt afraid, because when you teach shamanism, there are many aspects to attend to. It takes keen observation of both the temporal world and the metaphysical. I developed an acute capacity to listen. In teaching mysticism and shamanic practice, one needs to interface with an unknown quality or mystery. In reflection my training in open form improvisation and years of healing practice were crucial in building the trust required to listen to the rustling and pressing against the edges of my senses. I became aware of the importance of being grounded and to have the capacity to move rapidly between the whole group, the individual and the
spiritual enquiry.
When I was training in shamanism one of my specialist subjects that I researched was the medicine wheel. I spent many years exploring this subject and deepening my personal practice in it. Through this I became aware how this deep and simple structure could hold, in a grounded way, diversity, enquiry, emotions and multi-dimensional experiences. I renamed the medicine wheel the medicine sphere and this is the structural foundation of all our teaching in Lasavia Healing. My approach to teaching is to create an environment that recognises the way new knowledge and understanding grows. I see this occurring through shared learning experiences. The medicine sphere supports this form of teaching.
Throughout my teaching of mystical and shamanic practice, which has spanned twenty years, I have been through a remarkable journey of rigorous apprenticeship. I see it as that. I experience that whatever I am teaching works me. The human experience is layered and evolutionary. To teach this work is to weave. I acknowledge in this weave the land, the people, elemental, nature and the spirit. Through teaching I have learnt the value of language and the beauty of osmosis that can happen simply by being present. I value how I communicate and connect, at the same time knowing the timing to step back to allow integration through practice. I am curious. I love the enquiries that arise when teaching, these make me relook at the material I am sharing and they so often move me to perceive things differently.
I am here doing this work through the kindness, dedication and gifts of a diverse range of people. I would like to give many thanks to all the people who have dedicated their time and joined me in exploration. I acknowledge the lineage that taps at my shoulder and the elemental teachers who keep turning up despite, at times, my resistance.

Some Notes on Teaching
Teaching is a reciprocal relationship of learning. The relationship between teacher and student is something that is not fixed, there can be a role reversal in any moment. In this interaction the teacher can become the student and the student can become the teacher. There is no fixed authority; when this is acknowledged, rather than destabilise the teaching-student relationship, it enhances it.
The basis of teaching is a shared enquiry. One may take the lead in that enquiry – extending and working with knowledge and experience and facilitate a deepening of learning and insight through interactions. Teaching is about perceiving the nature of enquiry and discerning genuine enquiry; i.e. questions that engage a deeper exploration rather than questions that push the experience of knowledge away.
Teaching is about an intimate engagement with people and a sharing of knowledge. It’s about unpacking the experience of learning.
Lasavia Healing courses are taught within the structure of the medicine sphere. The emphasis of the teaching is uncovering individual approaches to mystical and personal endeavours within a community environment. It upholds nature intelligence, respect for each other and encourages diversity.