For people working under the umbrella of the Lasavia organisation, I would like these qualities to be reflected on:
Ability to allow vulnerability when revealing an inner truth.
Ability to self-reflect
Practices of self-compassion and exploration, engaged in looking at the mistakes we make in the view of learning, seeing shadow as a teacher and prepared to step up to what the shadow is hiding or revealing.
An active spiritual practice and study (the desire to learn)
Self-disciplined and engaged in following one’s path.
Ability to be present
This involves self-care, listening deeply, able to be present within the body, and therefore present within the heart.
Looking at how we meet, with a respect and an understanding that we all have a place and therefore we come together in equality.
Thoughtful and reflective around communication – words have impact.
Being able to discern the different processes required in communication, i.e discussion and process that leads to understanding, and clear communication that expresses information.
Ability to critically reflect on our own belief systems
Review and reflect on our own world views.